Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Why does the US continue to label Hezbollah as a terrorist Research Paper

Why does the US continue to label Hezbollah as a terrorist organization - Research Paper Example The US perceives Hezbollah as a terrorist organization and is constantly urging the European nations and the United Nations to brand it a terrorist organization. The British have the perception that it has two wings, one that is political and the other, the military which is responsible for terrorism. This claim has since been refuted by Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah (ITIC, p. 2). Other governments mostly Muslim and Islamic nations, consider Hezbollah a legitimate resistance group. The problem is, the branding is based on government’s perceptions (Stewart 137). Terror is perceived as war against Islam. So why does the US continue to label Hezbollah as a terrorist organization, yet the organization has well defined manifesto of resisting Israeli invasion, and any other colonialist invasions? The aim of this essay is to explain the other side of the organization. It is to show that Hezbollah is not a terrorist organization, but a political party that fights against invasion as well as development. It is also to show that the branding of the organization as a terrorist organization needs more facts and explanations as to why. ... This shows how dominating the organization is, a characteristic of a political party. Anti Defamation League, notes that Hezbollah has been labelled as a terrorist group, but its actions have shifted its political stand to advocating for the electoral interests of the Shii’s community. Shi’i community is about 40% of the population of Lebanon (2008). Hezbollah is a political entity that does not only fight against Israeli invasion, but for its existence and power as well. In May 2008, an agreement was formed between Lebanon’s western backed government and Hezbollah. This was meant to end a political crisis that had lasted 18 months and was on the brink of causing a civil war in Lebanon. From the agreement, Hezbollah and its allies obtained prohibition powers over the government decisions and were awarded 11 seats out of 30 cabinet seats (ADL 2008). In 2009 parliamentary elections however, Hezbollah and its allies were defeated and remained with 11 out of its 128 seats. A new unity government formed in November, which now holds two cabinet seats belonging to Hezbollah (ADL 2008). All these are indications of a political party with its own strategies of getting power from the Lebanese government. There are several reasons why Hezbollah is considered a Terrorist country and these will be discussed, but the main reason why Hezbollah exists in the first place is because of the Israeli Invasion. The formation of Hezbollah explains all their actions. The Formation of Hezbollah Hezbollah was founded in 1985 and is a major political force (Tucker p. 529), although considered a terrorist group or organization by the US, the British and some other countries. In 2001, President George W. Bush in his speech to a joint session of congress, noted that there

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