Monday, September 9, 2019

Respond to classmate Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Respond to classmate - Essay Example I agree that everyone would be able to benefit more from this and how it effects all workforce scenarios and the way each will always continue to evolve. Quality is 100 percent essential in every organization, including one’s workplace. It does not matter where it is applied, but it must be one concept that no one overlooks. To ignore quality is to waste time, money for the organization. Each employee should be subject to different types of reviews and audits to increase the likelihood of their job performance. Though these can be a bit intimidating to the employer, it is only natural to want to keep people on task at their jobs and to continue to produce effectively and efficiently. I find that managers should be mentors and voices of reason, watching to help encourage employees to do better. To be criticized can be done tactfully and without shame. To abuse power is almost like bullying and should not be tolerated. Everyone at some point at any given time has been in a place in the work force where they have encountered a learning curve. This has led people to feeling absolutely miserable in their jobs. I completely agree that managers are some of the first people that can make changes in the workplace by reinforcing a more positive environment. It really does make an employee feel better about themselves and feel more apt to want to work harder for that positive

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