Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Marriott Hotels International Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Marriott Hotels International - Essay Example According to Bill Marriott himself leadership is mainly based upon orientation towards results. He believes in motivating the people who work there by providing inspiration and letting them play and work together with a common set of objectives in mind. It is important to make them realize that their goal is same. (Marriott on the Move, August 2007; Anastassova and Purcell, 1995) Promoting diversity is an objective for the group. It is highly committed towards diversity. He has managed to take the company from a mere family business of $19 billion to a globally based organization. One of the basic leadership styles followed is the hands-on leadership. (Daugherty, Croft, Marquart, Balzar and Sheldon, n.d.) The leader or manager has to keep in touch with the employees and the clients to keep himself updated on the happenings. Under this leadership style the importance of the employees or ‘associates’ are realized and acknowledged. It is important to keep them happy and sat isfied with their work. A â€Å"spirit to serve† culture in promoted within the organization. Community involvement is another style of leadership, which Marriott International follows. (Daugherty, Croft, Marquart, Balzar and Sheldon, n.d.) In order to lead in an industry it is important for the company to nurture community involvement programs. Bill Marriott has involved himself in â€Å"fundraising gala for Bridges-from school to work† (Marriott on the Move, June 2007). The Marriott Foundation runs this program for People with Disabilities. He idea is to help them secure meaningful employment after they pass out from their academic institutions. (Marriott on the Move, June 2007) The National Urban League, Naval Academy Endowment Trust, National Geographic Society, World Travel & Tourism Council are some of the other organizations where the company has engaged itself with. Following to

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