Friday, September 27, 2019

Public health Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Public health - Essay Example It is also meant to educate the public about the many diseases prevalent in our society. The website is also credible because it is truthful. The information which can be seen in the website comes from verified reports. Such information does not make it to the website without a thorough review process and analysis of the data. This makes the data posted highly credible and reliable. The truthfulness of the website also takes into consideration the moral and the perceptual implications of the website and of the information it seeks to put across. I can trust this website because it has proven throughout the years that it is a trustworthy and reliable source of information. Information is filtered into the website through the peer-review and expert process of research. Therefore, I can be sure that the information I read in the website has been evaluated by their research team and has been judged as reliable information. This website has been used throughout its history as a source of information by other researchers, practitioners, government officials, and private companies. I can trust this website because it is also responsive to the concerns of the public and it responds to the public’s needs through its panel of experts and through its credible research process. And more importantly, it has proven throughout the years that it is concerned with promoting and protecting health. The website Medical News Today is not a reliable source because it is not trustworthy nor is it credible source of information. The information it releases comes from other sources or databases. This information from other databases may indeed be peer-reviewed resources, however they are still second-hand information. The peer-review is not conducted by the members of the website’s research team, but they are conducted by other researchers and other databases. The intention of the website is also not clear, hence, it is difficult to

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